Hand tracking data

Patient Profiles
Each patient has a personal profile stored which allows specific settings to be loaded such as the patients personal trained AI opponent and other difficulty settings.
Lunge mode
Tracks hand movement data to show progression of patients increased mobility over time.
Offering a workout for more advanced mobility, drums will light up on each corner of the players court, which the player must lunge to and touch before hitting the ball.
Physio ball is a machine learning powered virtual reality game which trains people to increase their mobility, hand to eye coordination and strength.
Users are able to train their AI opponent which will learn with the user and get better at the game with them, offering endless amounts of difficulty levels, this means that Sally, the 73 year old woman with a walking stick can enjoy playing with an identically skilled opponent as much as James, a 21 year old athletic basketball player.
The game played is similar to squash or tennis, with additional mechanics such as lunging involved.
Further game settings are also interchangeable, such as ceiling height, so players that can't bend down low, don't have to.
Physioball is coming soon to Quest and https://www.healtharium.com.au.